Bakit Kaya…


Amazing Love of God to All!

I nearly missed the service today as I kinda overslept (nakakahiya!..smiles) kasi po may inasikaso kami kagabi that surprisingly demanded some of our attention. Yet, in anyway and as I usually claim.., “All things works together….” di po ba? But I was rebuked quite profoundly as the danger of misusing the verse to personally justify own claims could be there in one’s disposition or inclination. Kaya let’s perpetually be watchful of ourselves. Hmmm…

To continue po, this question of “bakit kaya” somewhat, popped-up in why1my mind just when I’m listening to the broadcast preaching today. It brought me from wander to  wonder. It open my big, black eyes to a deeper revelation somehow. And “SShockks!!”, as I exclaimed when I re-discover the awful and great message that was imbedded “silently” in the Word I heard but has a great, great weight in my heart and mind.

Somehow, it could be such!.. That a great disclosure will steadily shake, sweep and strike your heart to firmly call, enforce or kindly bring us to to a flash exposure of His will. And to let His ever-true claims be our proclamation as well. Hmmm, Let His idea be rubbed to our limited minds and grow, then eventually applied thru practiced in our given life. Then as we go on.., that life of yours will become a fruitful life attached to the awesome Vine. Very impressive noh? then why oh why we still knowingly disobey?

Bakit nga kaya?“,  we sometimes or (maybe) always —- let our guard down and be lenient to the persuasion of the foe that would eventuallywhy3 drive us to the “untowards” of life opposite against the abundance of His promises!  Bakit nga kaya? We caught ourselves listening to the dirty music of the world? Bakit kaya we’re used to this unorthodox ways of life instead? And this is occurring in both old and new Christians. (Take Note!) Co’z in the aftermath, many will utter “I wish I knew” statement when there has been a clear-cut, basic and fundamental loud notions received repeatedly while living. (Ooopps!) Let us be careful of the games we play!

Slavery (in various forms and principles) is not gone with the wind. It is still one of the striking weapons by the creature of deception from way Slaveback and today. Surprisingly it is inviting, then capturing and worst.., is harvesting many possible souls to be with his imminent damnation. (Talking about a threatening sky just before a tornado struck!) The place of torment  is meant only for them (those rebellious creature) but they want many existing people to be with them. Tsk, tsk. Unfortunately, hard headed human beings who are heavily influenced and controlled by own human reasoning and not submitted to the Gospel or even willingly yielded to a clear subjection of own intelligence (as they put it). Withdrawal or effectively avoidance of such deception can only be made if.., again, our ultimate desire, option and inclination is on following Christ and Christ alone.  Basic yet True! And for some it is a loving “silent yet deafening” measure of bid, summons or solicitations against one’s own (hmmm…there’s that word again)…,choice!

Well, I may sound a sirang plaka if you say so….but, bakit nga kaya?, haven’t you think that there could also be a good message to stumble upon the generalities of what’s had been repeatedly happening around us. Perhaps, a better or best predicament awaits if one could only take a genuine step of yield and decision for brighter and abundance platform offered.

Hmmm.., so with all of such thinking, let us convert that “bakit kaya” in Why2our thoughts to become a true admittance and concession of His heavily simple and freeing Gospel.

Well.., for another anew, I’m really hoping & praying that we could put a stop on asking such question and be finally moved to accepting and living upon His  great proposal for our future.

Bakit nga ba hinde…di bah? (wink)

Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments: which if a man do, he shall live in them: I am the LORD. Lev. 18:5

*CTTO : All photos credit to the owner.*

Published by Hmmm...insights

A flexible and optimistic guy, who can easily learn and adjust to the situation he's into. Loves to wander, meet people and picks bits of knowledge to strengthen his being and dish out positive contributions to the world, I value spiritual truths, relationships, virtues and wisdom.

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