Garbage?.., Trash it!

Hallelujah! Good day!

On a certain schedule every week a big truck collector pass slowly down the lane of our wide garbagestreet and pausing at every residence. An overflowing garbage containers are picked up, then emptied into the truck and returned to each house. This has been a common activity of each citizen living on our subdivision. During the proceeding week, as the rubbish waste accumulates and its stinking scent grows stronger, we all become considerably eager for the arrival of the garbage truck.

‘Know what?, a distinguishing degree of repulsiveness than this is the personal trash thatAbove accumulates within our hearts and minds. Some of our foul garbage that stinks are —– hatred, self-centeredness, bitterness, lust etc… Dispose such things in your life ang living. And even though our outward appearance looks perfectly like good deeds or upright behavior, if our motives were not right and in-line with God’s, they can definitely reek like garbage if contaminated by our selfish pride. Careful…..

TrashThe Bible called these garbage sins. They are the things that blocks or hide the face of Almighty from us, resulting for a limited blessings or un-answered prayer for us. But God in His love and goodness made a way for us. He even outlined His system disposal of our garbage. “If we confess your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1Jonh 1:9). Together with such are strength to overcome those garbage(s) while we walk in this journey.

Praise Jesus! Thank God! His sin disposal is available to everyone, everyday and everywhere, not just in church service on weekend. We need not fear revealing it to HIM, for He already knows them!, as He knows you more than yourself.

I understand He wants to get rid of our garbage, let us let Him. God speed!…

Have a blessed day!!

He who conceals his sin does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy. Proverbs 28:13

*CTTO: All photos credit to the owner.*

Published by Hmmm...insights

A flexible and optimistic guy, who can easily learn and adjust to the situation he's into. Loves to wander, meet people and picks bits of knowledge to strengthen his being and dish out positive contributions to the world, I value spiritual truths, relationships, virtues and wisdom.

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